Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Experience with truth.

This will be a description on past two month’s life of a guy. Just thought of sharing with you all. He has been seeing some peaks and lows of life during this time.

That day was pretty normal. Everything felt normal, even the wind, the air, and the people, nothing felt changed. Yeah I was thinking to him... I’ve been here around for sometime now... I’m pretty secure here.

I had just returned from my Hometown after a short leave. Yeah it was a pleasant weekend, had sometime at home. Had some moments to cherish.... i was back to office, with a fresh mind and fresh thought hoping to make the week a memorable one

The day began as any other day I woke up late, by 9 am. Yeah “need to go to office” I got that thought to my mind .I got myself ready quickly out to office

Reached Office… As I walked to my cubicle I was having a strange feeling in my mind, but I was not able to understand it, I just pulled himself out of my mind and started thinking about my daily activities. Yeah its recession time and I was losing a lot of friends for past 6 months from my company. Things were not going smoothly. Even both from the client side and from the offshore side... The main aim of mine was to go onsite for this project as an onsite coordinator... But that looked like never to happen... The Guy, who is already there, never seems to be coming back… and he makes things complicated it show himself as a smart guy... From deep in my mind I felt like giving his current coordinator a tight slap on the face.

It happened all of a sudden. But I was feeling it in my heart and smelled it about a month before it happened. Ring. office phone rang... Yeah Just another call from some call centers...I thought, but to my surprise I heard the sound of his manager at the other end. All my hopes and believes were over shadowed by the call from my manager. The phone rang like a wake up alarm; I thought it was just another call. But my manger asked me whether I would be free to meet our account manager sometime that day. As I was not held up with loads of work, I said yes. Still my senses did not detect any red alarm. My thinking went in the good way.

By around 11:30 am, my manager fixed an appointment with my account manager. We both walked into his room. The room was closed but the walls were transparent. I watched his facial expression while we were closing to his room, no everything looked normal and my thoughts went free. But I have noticed my manager’s voice when she called me up asking for the appointment time, she had something hidden in her voice; felt something bad is coming in my way, felt like she was trying to give some sympathy to me.

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